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Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Adsense Alternative That Pays Better

This post may contain affiliate links. Click here to read my full disclosure.

When I first heard of Monumetric from a well-known blogger, I started scouring the internet for a Monumetric review so I could determine if it was the real deal. To prove it’s better than Adsense, my earnings have increased by 600%. I’ll share the exact numbers below.

There isn’t a lot of information regarding Monumetric on the web. In fact, a Google search for the company returns just under 10k results total! Since I’ve had a pretty good experience with the company, I wanted to share my thoughts with you so you can decide for yourself if it is, in fact, better than Adsense.

Monumetric (Formerly The Blogger Network)

Founded in 2012, the company prides itself on its slogan. We are a people company. They focus on individualized support to help maximize revenue and experience for the customer. This is an area in which Adsense fails miserably.

They rebranded recently because they realized the name ‘The Blogger Network’ didn’t speak to whom they could help. They weren’t only providing services to bloggers and not all business owners wanted to be affiliated with a network. And so, Monumetric came to be.

Mediavine Requirements vs Monumetric

How to Increase Ad Revenue without Mediavine

Mediavine requirements are pretty steep. Requiring 25,000 sessions before you can even be considered, it’s easy to be discouraged and feel like you’re never going to make any money on your blog. Let’s be real. Adsense pays crap. My entire first year blogging I earned a mere $300 from Adsense.  That’s why I’m sharing this Monumetric review – to show you the huge increase in income you can realize.

Don’t confuse 25k sessions with pageviews. Pageviews are how many pages were viewed in total for the month. So if one website visitor clicks on a link to read my post about how I got 10,000 pageviews my 4th month blogging.  The visitor then clicks a link inside that post to read about my updated February blog income report and how I earned $5,350, which counts as two pageviews….but only one session.

Monumetric, however, only requires 10,000 pageviews to be accepted into their program. This is so much more attainable for a new blogger (or even someone who’s been struggling to get to the 25k sessions required for Mediavine).

Haven’t started a blog yet? Check out my guide to starting your own blog from scratch.

Monumetric Requirements

In order to be accepted to Monumetric, you must have:

  • A minimum of 10,000 pageviews per month
  • A WordPress or Blogger Site
  • A 300px wide sidebar
  • At least 6 ad slots on both desktop and mobile
  • Must be approved by ad providers
  • Pay $99 one-time setup fee

Monumetric Propel Requirements

I know you’re thinking what the heck?! I have to pay a $99 setup fee? No way am I doing that! Adsense and Mediavine don’t charge to place ads on your site. 

You’re right! They don’t. However, your choices are to stay with Adsense and earn pennies on the dollar, wait to reach Mediavine requirements, or pay the $99 setup fee.

Switching from Adsense to Monumetric is seriously one of the best decisions I’ve made for my blog.

Monumetric Review: Earnings

Now for the fun part! I get to share my earnings since joining this ad network!

Monumetric Earnings Review

Here is a screenshot of my Monumetric dashboard. As you can see, I had an amazing day of traffic on February 18 due to a feature on Rockstar Finance. That day’s income was incredible! That being said, I average about $10 per day in ad revenue.

Monumetric Dashboard Earnings

My average RPM since I joined is $11.44.  While this isn’t nearly as high as I would like it to be, this gets me by until I can join Mediavine. I still have every intention of switching as soon as I reach 25k sessions. P.S. I’m sooo close so feel free to share this post with a friend! I’ll love you long time! 🙂

Anyway…total earnings YTD are $1135.47 from 99.2k pageviews. Not too shabby!

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One More (very important) Thing to Note:

I always keep it real when sharing reviews…even in this Monumetric review. While I love my results, it seems that Monumetric is growing faster than they can keep up. If you submit an application and haven’t heard back in a week, send them a follow-up email. It can take up to a month or six weeks before they finally get ads live on your site. While this is extremely frustrating, it’s worth it and you’ve got to just keep following up! Don’t stop until you’ve received communication from them!

In conclusion, I definitely think that bloggers should join Monumetric as soon as they reach 10k pageviews. Then, you can make the switch to Mediavine if you aren’t happy with the numbers. But I’m betting they’ll be better than Adsense!

By the way, Monumetric does have a (rather archaic) affiliate program. If you decide to join, would you please enter Melissa Blevins in the ‘How did you hear about us’ field?

More information about Monumetric here.

UPDATE: I was recently accepted into Mediavine and have switched ad networks. That being said, I still recommend Monumetric above any other ad provider up to 25k sessions.

A Note about Blog Directories Affecting RPM

When I switched to Mediavine, my RPM with Monumetric had declined. I was earning approximately $5-6 RPM, and I was hungry to increase my income with Mediavine.

For the past several months, I had been paying $5 per month for Blogarama, a blog directory that promotes bloggers’ RSS feeds. I noticed an increase in traffic when I switched to Mediavine, and the traffic was tracked back to Blogarama.

The traffic was bad, y’all. It was mostly desktop traffic, and according to Mediavine, advertisers can block ads to your site when you’re a part of these blogging directories.

So I canceled my subscription to Blogarama, and within 24 hours, my RPM increased from $10-$15. It’s easy to get caught up in chasing traffic, but quality and user experience are most important.

You also do NOT want to have advertisers who stop bidding on your site due to spammy traffic. Use Blogarama and other blog directories at your own risk.

If you’re interested in learning how I reached 10,000 pageviews my 4th-month blogging, check out this post.

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