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How To Job Hunt, Get a Raise, or Handle Layoffs

How to Ask for a Raise if You Work in Tech

by Ryan Cole, Citrine Capital

Negotiating your salary can be intimidating but DO NOT let that stop you, and never underestimate the importance of asking for what you deserve. Even relatively small increases in salary will compound over the years and can lead to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars in total future income. Below are some tips and tricks to maximize your salary (and more) during negotiations.

  • Add value and track it
  • Do your research
  • Negotiate for more than just your salary
  • Get offers and gain leverage
  • Write down your employer’s needs
  • Write down your goals
  • Fear set
  • Be transparent, open, honest, and human
  • Ask with confidence then stop talking and listen
  • Hire a coach
  • Focus on your future

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Layoffs Coming? Control What You Can Control

by Tim Melia, Embolden Financial Planning

Layoffs are not a fun topic to talk about. Even thinking about it can be frightening. Nearly everyone has a layoff story, either from being laid off themselves or knowing family and friends who have been laid off. My father was laid off on my thirteenth birthday. It was a shock to all of us. The months that followed were tense and uncomfortable for my parents and our family. Thankfully, he eventually found another career that he enjoyed. As I’ve reflected on it over the years, I can still recall the sense of fear and insecurity that the news brought. Whether consciously or subconsciously, I know that experience and those emotions have impacted how I approach my own financial life.

How have layoffs impacted you and your family?

Have they impacted how you make financial decisions?

Layoffs are largely out of our control, but our ability to prepare for them is not. The following is a summary of some important financial strategies and questions to consider if you or a family member are facing layoffs. These ideas will not prevent a layoff, but they will hopefully embolden you to handle it with strength and confidence.

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How to Get Your Resume Noticed While Job Hunting

by Michael Reynolds, Elevation Financial

One way to increase your income is to find a new job. There is nothing wrong with searching for new opportunities if you feel that you’ve reached your limits at your current employer.

Of course it may not always be higher income you’re after. It could be better hours, better working environment, or company mission.

Regardless of the reason you are job searching, you want to get noticed. After all, you’re competing with others applying for the same job.

As someone who has owned businesses for over two decades and employed hundreds of people, I’ve seen a number of things that stand out on a person’s resume.

These are a few things you can do to help increase your chances of getting noticed during the hiring process.

  • Spice up the design
  • Include your photo
  • List actionable results
  • Pick up the phone
  • Include unique personal facts and experience
  • Use LinkedIn

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How to Get, and Negotiate, Your Next Job in Tech

by Ryan Cole, Citrine Capital

Applying for jobs, interviewing, and negotiating salary can be stressful, intimidating, and time consuming, but don’t let that stop you. You deserve a job you’re passionate about. Furthermore, even relatively small increases in salary can compound over the years and lead to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars in total future income. Below are some tips and tricks to maximize your compensation, land a job you love, and much more.

  • Provide massive amounts of value
  • Write it all down prior to interviewing
  • Do your research
  • Negotiate for more than just your salary
  • Hire a coach
  • Write down your goals
  • Fear set
  • Research the people you will be interviewing with
  • Be transparent and honest from the start
  • Be human when negotiating
  • Ask with confidence then stop talking and listen
  • Look for consistency
  • Get a few offers to gain leverage
  • Consider optimizing for well-being, freedom, and happiness

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