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Trump-Biden First 2024 Presidential Debate Live Updates

UPDATE: Joe Biden slammed Donald Trump for encouraging rioters on January 6th, laying into the predecessor for his inaction even as many of his supporters were sacking the Capitol.

“I sat in that dining room off the Oval Office. He sat there for three hours watching, being begged by his vice president and a number of his colleagues to do something. …Instead he talked about these people being great patriots of America.”

“He didn’t do a damn thing, and these people shouldn’t be in jail.”

Trump initially try to pivot away from January 6th, but later defended his pledge to commute the sentences of those involved in the attack on the Capitol.

Meanwhile, some White House reporters are noting that Biden has had a cold.

PREVIOUSLY: As Joe Biden defended his record on immigration, Donald Trump got in a dig at his rival’s mental acuity.

“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence,” Trump said. “I don’t think he knows what he said, either.”

Biden is not performing well in this debate, as Trump has appeared stronger and sharper. The president has gotten better as the debate going on, but Trump also has had free rein, often spreading misinformation about issues including his role on January 6th.

PREVIOUSLY: Two years after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Donald Trump was looking for a middle road on abortion in tonight’s presidential debate.

He may have found it, at least for a few minutes until the issue turned into an ugly dispute over the horrors of rape and murder between Joe Biden and his predecessor.

Trump said that with Roe Vs. Wade repealed, “what happened is we brought it back to the states and the country is now coming together on this issue.”

“It’s been a terrible thing what you have done,” Biden said. “…The idea that states are going to do this is like saying we are going to bring civil rights back to the states.”

That was one of Biden’s more energetic moments. More often than not, as Biden has delivered answers in a raspy voice and coughing at times, Trump has appeared far more energetic, even if a number of statements will not survive the fact check post debate.

PREVIOUSLY: Joe Biden and Donald Trump started their presidential debate with no handshake, quickly sparring over some of the superlatives over their presidency.

The first question, to Biden, was what he would say to voters who believe that they are worse off during his presidency than during Trump.

“Take a look at what I was left with when I became president, Mr. Trump left me,” Biden said, noting that the economy “was in freefall, the pandemic was badly handled, many people were dying, all he said was it was not that serious, just inject a little bit of bleach in your arm.”

Trump responded by claiming that his presidency saw “the greatest economy in the history of the country. We have never done so well. … We got hit with Covid, and when we did we spent the money that was necessary so we didn’t end up in a Great Depression.”

In their allotted time, both candidates attacked each other’s record while defending their own — pretty standard for a debate. But Trump was more adept at turning any question to his own talking points, while Biden was more halting.

The CNN debate marked a big departure from past cycles, not just in who is organizing the event but the timing: This is the earliest ever general election matchup of each major party’s presidential candidates.

The debate also may end up being far different in tone: In studio, with no audience, and with mics muted on a candidate when it is not his turn to speak. The could make for a far different experience than in 2020 when, at the first debate, Trump interrupted Biden so frequently that the latter told the former to “shut up.”

In advance of this debate, Biden has spent nearly a week at Camp David in preparation for what may be a key moment of his campaign, as he looks to tamper notions over his ability to serve another four years because of his age. With Trump holding leads in a number of polling averages, Biden also needs a bit of a shakeup at this stage of the race.

RELATED: White House Correspondents’ Association Protests After CNN Limits In-Studio Print Pool Access During Duration Of Biden-Trump Debate

Trump, meanwhile, also faces his own questions of fitness, as Biden has hammered him for his role in inciting a mob to attack the Capitol on January 6th. Biden has characterized his rival as unhinged, given his rants on social media and at rallies, and may try to further trigger Trump at this evening’s event.

RELATED: 2024 Presidential Election Debate Schedule: Dates, Times

The debate itself was just the type of event that focused national attention on the presidential race, as broadcasters, cable networks and streamers planned to pick up the CNN feed. Up to know, the expected uptick in audiences for election season has been a bit disappointing to the networks, as polls show much of the public has disfavored a rematch between Trump and Biden.

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